Friday, December 21, 2012

11 Rules You Will Never Learn in School by Bill Gates

You will not make $60,000 a year right out of high school, you won’t be a vice president with a car phone until you earn both. This is an important rule because a lot of kids now a days think that the will just become rich after they finish high school, they don't realize that you have to work hard to make the money that you want each year, it is telling them that they do.

Monday, December 17, 2012

China attack illustrates U.S. gun law divide

 I think that the U.S. does need to address its gun control laws because there has been 9,000 deaths in the past year caused from guns, which is just too many. They should be limited to the number of guns people can own and how they are used, if you have a criminal past at all you should not be able to own a gun. And maybe by doing this the numbers would go down of deaths caused by guns.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Senate weighs bill to outlaw cyberstalking software

This software should not be legal because it is an invasion of people's privacy, it also has the potential of unwanted people to track down where you are, record your texts and calls, and visits to websites. It can download onto someones phone without them knowing, which lets people track down others without them knowing.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Social Justice

Social justice is treating people equally that deserve to be treated well. Some issues to our society faces are social equality, people being treated equally.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Adventure of the Crooked Man

In The Adventure of the Crooked Man Sherlock Holmes asked Dr. Watson to help him investigate the death of Colonel Barclay. It was thought that Barclay's wife had killed him because their maids had heard them fight and when they went to look at what happened is that Mrs. Barclay had fainted on the couch and Mr. Barclay was dead with  a pool of blood around his head, and near him was a wooden club.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Man's home a 14 foot canoe in Boston Harbor

Michael should be allowed to live in the manner he has chosen, because he isn't affecting anybody, and he isn't breaking any laws, so I think that it is fine that he is living where he is if he isn't affecting anybody, and he says he loves the beauty of where he lives.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Egyptian court orders death sentences over anti-Islam film

I don't think that the punishment fits the crime because these people did make an offencive video, but i think that threatening them with death is a little harsh. Religious beliefs shouldn't factor into justice because it shouldn't matter what religion you are,  they still shouldn't be death threatened, even depending on what religion the people are in the video it shouldn't matter.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Teen Finds Redemption in Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is when you help your community by repairing damages done by others or you. You do this because you have done something wrong and you want to help people realize what they are doing is wrong, or it just feels good to help out. I think that it should be practiced a little at SPHS, because it would help some of the kids realize what they are/have done is wrong and they need to fix their mistakes.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Angry Customer Sue Time Warner Over Modem Fees

I don't think that it is fair that Time Warner charges people to lease their modem because they shouldn't have to be paying extra just to lease their modem, when they joined Time Warner their contract said they would be given a 30 day notice before any prices raised and they were not, which is against the law. And is not fair to the costumers.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Does Justice Exist?

Yes justice exists, there is laws, and people do time in jail for things they've done wrong. With some of the laws that we have we can't punish all of the things done wrong, but we do try to punish a majority of them. All of the things people do does catch up to them and they are usually punished.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Justices ponder challenges to use of drug-sniffing dogs

 Using a drug-sniffing dog helps get the job done in finding drugs, but is not always accurate. In this article it says that the dogs only have a 12% success rate in controlled settings, so the dogs are not always 100% right and when they aren't you could have just charged an innocent man for something he didn't do. I think that the dogs should be used to help search for drugs, but once the dog has tracked the drugs and found where they could possible be the drugs should be found before you charge someone of being guilty.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Why doesn't Batman Kill the Joker?

The joker has killed many lives in the past and should be killed. By killing him you would be saving many lives in the future. Think about it by killing just one man, that has done damage to so many people it would be saving that many more lives.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Introduction to Essay

     Friendship is something that can last a lifetime, or end tomorrow, but it all depends on who that friendship is with. 
     In Of Mice and Men,  by John Steinbeck. Lennie and George are best friends, they spent most of their left by each others sides, they have so much history from the past that it's hard to leave each other. Lennie has a little something wrong with him and George knows that if he lets him out on his own it wouldn't be the same as if he stayed with him, people would make fun of him and he would most likely be killed or put in jail. Also they are afraid to leave each other because they like the company, they wouldn't want to be by themselves although George does sometimes threaten Lennie that he'll leave him. he really never will.
     After all they've been through in the past they can't just abandon each other, it's to hard.  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Writing a Great Essay

    This article was helpful because it told me what do do when I am writing an essay, how to format it, and what to base my sentences on. Also it will help me with my future essays because I now know what to say and how to say it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

What I need to do inorder to give my presentation

     In order to give my presentation on Wednesday my group needs to, work on our presentation we have all of the notes and some of the presentation we just need to put it together, and practice what we are going all to say, and how we are going to say it. We will need to have flash cards so that our slide show isn't over crowded, and distracting, so we also need to write flash cards about our topic. We also need to go over the presentation as a group and hook it up to the projector to see if the colors work out.And lastly we need to put our sources together.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chapter 3-4 of Mice and Men sumarized

     Chapter 3 and 4 Of Mice and Men George and Lennie have arrived at the ranch they are going to be working at, they have already meet all of the people in their cabin, Curly (the bosses son), Curly's wife, and the boss. One of the people in the cabins dog has had puppies and is willing to give one to Lennie after they are done being matured by their mother for a while.
     Curly looks for trouble and everybody knows it, he thinks he's a big bad tough guy, and Gave Lennie a hard time, he was punching, scraping, and clawing at his face, because he thought that Lennie was laughing at him but Lennie was just thinking about his, George, and Candy's idea to get their own small farm, Lennie being the bigger guy didn't want to hurt him or punch him back so he was just taking the pain and yelling at George to help him, George did not help him but instead told Lennie to fight back, Lennie grabbed Curly's wrist and basically snapped it causing Curly to need to go to the hospital. While most of the men were out taking Curly to the hospital Lennie stayed back at the ranch and was going over to see his newly born puppy but instead he stopped at a black workers house (Crook) and stayed for a while and chatted, Crook was not exactly welcomed by the other workers, so he stayed in his own room Lennie and him talked about Lennie's plans for the future, while Crook told Lennie they are never going to happen...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bacon shortage 'baloney,' but prices to rise

  Bacon shortage is not happening in the US. We do not face a problem with it, pigs are still around and they are not dieing off. Although the prices may increase about 10% in the next year, which may outcome in not a lot of people buying bacon, or pork. But not to worry the bacon will still be around.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Giving Effective PowerPoint Presentations

     To make a good presentation you must keep the audiences attention by not having to much going on in your side show, not having notes on your slide show and saying them, if you have something on a slide show have the audience read it, only have pictures that explain your topic, don't describe your pictures, and keep your slide show simply, don't have crazy backgrounds, try to keep your transitions simple, and don't put too much stuff on one page.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Definition of justice

Justice is about being fair, it can also be another word for a judge, or magistrate.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Judge: Youtube doesn't have to have to take down anti-Islam video

      Justice was not served, the video that was put up on Youtube about Cindy Lee Garcia was pointless. The judge should of made the men take it down, how hard is it to take a video down off Youtube. This video is harming Cindy's reputation, she has lost her job, her privacy has been invaded, and she has been death threatened multiple times.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Tell Tale Heart

     Tell Tale Heart is a short story about a male caretaker saying and helping at an old mans with a creepy eyes house. The care taker does not like the look of his creepy eye, in fact he would rather kill the old man then stay at the house looking at his eye all day. And that is just was he does, he sneaks into his room for 7 nights straight and on the 8th night he waits until the man is fast asleep to kill him, but while he is sneaking into the mans room there is a small noise which wakes up the man. The caretaker stays completely silent for hours until old man to fell back asleep and once he does the caretaker takes the man and pushes the bed over him until he dies. But of course he must clean the mess up that he just maid so he puts the body under the floorboard and whips up the blood.
     The next morning cops show up at the house saying that the neighbors heard a scream in the middle of the night, and of course he tries to act as normal as possible by inviting the cops in and telling them that it was him screaming in the middle of the night from a bad dream. The cops come in, sit down. But once they get comfortable the guilt starts eating the caretaker alive and he can't help it, he starts freaking out and rips up the floor board and reviles the old mans body...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Troubled Florida boy, 13, killed 2-year-old brother

 Cristian Fernandez needs help, he was born into a abusive family and hasn't had the attention he needs as a child. He should be punished harshly though, but tried as a kid he should not be tried as a adult because I don't think he knows better than to abuse people, he was abused as a kid. He did something that is not okay and he needs to know that. I do not think that Cristian should be sentenced to a life in jail, he needs attention and people to help him until he understands how bad his consequences are and what he has done. Then depending on how he has changed he should either be put in jail or let out on his own. If he were to be let out on his own he should be carefully watched to make sure that he is ready to be on his own, and if he does bad stuff he should be put in jail. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Falmouth couple indicated for under age drinking party

    The adults who allowed this party are guilty, they knew the party was happening and I assume that they were in the same room as the kids. They should be charged with "providing a place for underage drinking." They also may have lied to the cops by telling them there was no drinking at the party. The article was not clear on when the drinking started, how it started, if the adults provided the drinking, or if they even knew that the drinking was going on at the party. But most facts lead to they did know that the drinking was going on. There were kids throwing up, smoking, and passed out. So the adults could be charged with more then just providing a place for drinking, depending on if they provided the alcohol.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chicago teachers strike could nation implects

   These teachers do not have to right to go on strike, as a teacher you have a responsibility, you need to help, and take care of children, but these teachers are abandoning their kids, leaving them with no where to go during the day, and no education. I get where they are coming from with not getting enough money but teaching in Chicago is one of the highest paid teaching job in the nation making about $76,000 a year, and if you still don't think that you are make enough money go to a different job, but give the school a little notice so that they can find another teacher, and the kids aren't left not knowing where to go.