Thursday, September 27, 2012

Giving Effective PowerPoint Presentations

     To make a good presentation you must keep the audiences attention by not having to much going on in your side show, not having notes on your slide show and saying them, if you have something on a slide show have the audience read it, only have pictures that explain your topic, don't describe your pictures, and keep your slide show simply, don't have crazy backgrounds, try to keep your transitions simple, and don't put too much stuff on one page.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Definition of justice

Justice is about being fair, it can also be another word for a judge, or magistrate.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Judge: Youtube doesn't have to have to take down anti-Islam video

      Justice was not served, the video that was put up on Youtube about Cindy Lee Garcia was pointless. The judge should of made the men take it down, how hard is it to take a video down off Youtube. This video is harming Cindy's reputation, she has lost her job, her privacy has been invaded, and she has been death threatened multiple times.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Tell Tale Heart

     Tell Tale Heart is a short story about a male caretaker saying and helping at an old mans with a creepy eyes house. The care taker does not like the look of his creepy eye, in fact he would rather kill the old man then stay at the house looking at his eye all day. And that is just was he does, he sneaks into his room for 7 nights straight and on the 8th night he waits until the man is fast asleep to kill him, but while he is sneaking into the mans room there is a small noise which wakes up the man. The caretaker stays completely silent for hours until old man to fell back asleep and once he does the caretaker takes the man and pushes the bed over him until he dies. But of course he must clean the mess up that he just maid so he puts the body under the floorboard and whips up the blood.
     The next morning cops show up at the house saying that the neighbors heard a scream in the middle of the night, and of course he tries to act as normal as possible by inviting the cops in and telling them that it was him screaming in the middle of the night from a bad dream. The cops come in, sit down. But once they get comfortable the guilt starts eating the caretaker alive and he can't help it, he starts freaking out and rips up the floor board and reviles the old mans body...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Troubled Florida boy, 13, killed 2-year-old brother

 Cristian Fernandez needs help, he was born into a abusive family and hasn't had the attention he needs as a child. He should be punished harshly though, but tried as a kid he should not be tried as a adult because I don't think he knows better than to abuse people, he was abused as a kid. He did something that is not okay and he needs to know that. I do not think that Cristian should be sentenced to a life in jail, he needs attention and people to help him until he understands how bad his consequences are and what he has done. Then depending on how he has changed he should either be put in jail or let out on his own. If he were to be let out on his own he should be carefully watched to make sure that he is ready to be on his own, and if he does bad stuff he should be put in jail. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Falmouth couple indicated for under age drinking party

    The adults who allowed this party are guilty, they knew the party was happening and I assume that they were in the same room as the kids. They should be charged with "providing a place for underage drinking." They also may have lied to the cops by telling them there was no drinking at the party. The article was not clear on when the drinking started, how it started, if the adults provided the drinking, or if they even knew that the drinking was going on at the party. But most facts lead to they did know that the drinking was going on. There were kids throwing up, smoking, and passed out. So the adults could be charged with more then just providing a place for drinking, depending on if they provided the alcohol.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chicago teachers strike could nation implects

   These teachers do not have to right to go on strike, as a teacher you have a responsibility, you need to help, and take care of children, but these teachers are abandoning their kids, leaving them with no where to go during the day, and no education. I get where they are coming from with not getting enough money but teaching in Chicago is one of the highest paid teaching job in the nation making about $76,000 a year, and if you still don't think that you are make enough money go to a different job, but give the school a little notice so that they can find another teacher, and the kids aren't left not knowing where to go.