Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Panhandling in Portland is a symptom; poverty, the problem

I don't think that pan handlers need to be illegal because it won't make the homeless people go away. It will give the homeless less of a chance to pay for food and water that they need. In order for them to get the things they need the need to have money and they can't get money from just walking they get it from standing around cars asking for money. And its not like they can go out and get a job because no one wants to hire them.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Don't lower threshold on drunken driving

I don't think that the drinking threshold should change because there will still be people who would break the law and drink higher that 0.05 and get in an accident. It could also cause people to rebel and want to drink more because this new law could make them mad.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lies, damned lies and (school ranking) statistics

I think that the evaluation is fair because it doesn't matter if your school is smaller than other schools they should still be evaluated the same. It wouldn't be fair if you got a different grading just because your school is smaller than the bigger ones